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Already Doing It : Intellectual Disability and Sexual Agency TXT read ebook


Why is the sexuality of people with intellectual disabilities often deemed risky or inappropriate by teachers, parents, support staff, medical professionals, judges, and the media? Should sexual citizenship depend on IQ? Confronting such questions head-on, "Already Doing It" exposes the sexual ableism that denies the reality of individuals who, despite the restrictions they face, actively make decisions about their sexual lives.Tracing the history of efforts in the United States to limit the sexual freedoms of such persons using methods such as forced sterilization, invasive birth control, and gender-segregated living arrangements Michael Gill demonstrates that these widespread practices stemmed from dominant views of disabled sexuality, not least the notion that intellectually disabled women are excessively sexual and fertile while their male counterparts are sexually predatory. Analyzing legal discourses, sex education materials, and news stories going back to the 1970s, he shows, for example, that the intense focus on stranger danger in sex education for intellectually disabled individuals disregards their ability to independently choose activities and sexual partners including nonheterosexual ones, who are frequently treated with heightened suspicion. He also examines ethical issues surrounding masturbation training that aims to regulate individuals sexual lives, challenges the perception that those whose sexuality is controlled (or rejected) should not reproduce, and proposes recognition of the right to become parents for adults with intellectual disabilities.A powerfully argued call for sexual and reproductive justice for people with intellectual disabilities, "Already Doing It "urges a shift away from the compulsion to manage deviance (better known today as harm reduction) because the right to pleasure and intellectual disability are not mutually exclusive. In so doing, it represents a vital new contribution to the ongoing debate over who, in the United States, should be allowed to have sex, reproduce, marry, and raise children."

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Majestic in its movement, rich and sympathetic in its ironies, The Bostonians is the work of a master psychologist at the top of his form., From Boston's social underworld emerges Verena Tarrant, a girl with extraordinary oratorical gifts, which she deploys in tawdry meeting-houses on behalf of 'the sisterhood of women.' She acquires two admirers of a very different stamp: Olive Chancellor, devotee of radical causes, and marked out for tragedy; and Basil Ransom, veteran of the Civil War, with rigid views concerning society and women's place therein.Rosa reveals the catholic church both progressive and conservative; evangelical groups; the beliefs in saints, witchcraft, and traditional remedies; literacy and health campaigns, land reform, and trade unions; military service and bereavement in war; unemployment and drug gangs; migration from countryside to city and back again, and abroad to Costa Rica and the US; wide-scale alcoholism and domestic violence; the strength of women's networking, and their schemes for survival and co-operative ventures; and through it all the vital support of extended families.Rosa is an excellent resource for students and teachers in the field of Latin America, gender politics, human rights and international development.This book begins at this juncture in characterizing Nandy's critique of 'postcolonial studies,' before proceeding to explore and detail key areas in Nandy's thinking that both mark him as one of the most important postcolonial voices and critics of his generation.Taking Liberties" is a thoughtful and deliberative study of what may be called patriotism without borders: a nonnational form of loyalty compatible with the universal principles and practices of democracy and human rights, respectful of ethnic and cultural diversity, and, overall, open-minded and inclusive.Deals with technical and economic feature of distributed energy resources and discusses their business models., Integration of Distributed Energy Resources in Power Systems, Integration of Distributed Energy Resources in Power Systems: Implementation, Operation and Control covers the operation of power transmission and distribution systems and their growing difficulty as the share of renewable energy sources in the world's energy mix grows and the proliferation trend of small scale power generation becomes a reality.Modernism: Evolution of an Idea is the first book to trace the development of the term ?modernism?This book raises the interactions between adults and children to a new level.A provocative and very funny exploration of Muslim identity in America today." -- Kirkus Reviews "In bitingly funny prose, first novelist Eteraz sums up the pain and contradictions of an American not wanting to be categorized; the ending is a bang-up surprise." -- Library Journal "Ali Eteraz's fiction has encompassed everything from the surreal and fantastical to the urgently political.In the end, Man Enough?